speaking of gay there was this scandal at my hall where a young female unbaptised publisher slept with two pioneer sisters.
oh the horror
i attended a notorious congregation as a child, the infamous winter gardens congregation!
my cousin and his best friend, both named joe, were elders, my cousin was the po and the other joe was a total loser suck up who wanted to be just like my cousin, joe.
what was even funnier, as i get off point a bit, is that "suck up" joe's wife, cathy, did everything she could do to get her pudgy lil self to dress, look, walk, and talk like my cousin joe's wife, clementine.
speaking of gay there was this scandal at my hall where a young female unbaptised publisher slept with two pioneer sisters.
oh the horror
as it's a new year, and most of us made resolutions, i'd like to know what about yourself you would truly change if you could?
if you had one wish and it meant you could magically alter something of yourself, what would it be?.
what quality about yourself do you wish would go away?
I suppose I'm happy with myself. I like where I am and where I'm heading and even the path I'm taking to get there.
Everyone always wants some physical change but while I'm not perfect physically I'm just fine.
Years of being told I wasn't doing enough didn't screw me up too bad. I did enough where it really counted.
i want to go back right now.
what a beautiful place and such friendly people.
i enjoyed the relaxed pace there, a lot, maybe too much.. but i'm back to my reality and classes start on monday.
Satans it sounds like you're my kind of guy. It just seems really romantic to get married where you proposed. Congratulations to you on your wedding.
We've firmed up dates, made the necessary reservations and even have a local preacher set up. Nothing to do expect watch the calender.
I'm not so sure I deserve happiness but I'm getting it in spades.
....that you could tell them anything and share your identity with??
Oh of course. Simon and I are *this* close and I can share any thoughts with him. I swear, total soul mates.
<-------note smilie denoting previous comments were designed to be humorous and not to be used as a reason for reducing further posting privledges.
ok i've just spent a large portion of my life looking through this site trying to find her wedding photos.
does anyone have an idea where that thread might be?.
i'll owe ya
Sick I tell you!
I hope I'm half as sick on my wedding day
we got him: kurds say they caught saddam.
by paul mcgeough, herald correspondent in baghdad.
december 22, 2003. print this article email to a friend .
oh the horror, the horror
...what would you choose.
i'd pick japanese over my polish/german/scottish heritage any day.
i'm watching iron chef....damn, those japanese can cook a live octopus better than a mofo.
I think being a member of the master race would be pretty cool.
But I'll settle for being a TacoBellian
ok i've just spent a large portion of my life looking through this site trying to find her wedding photos.
does anyone have an idea where that thread might be?.
i'll owe ya
I was right. The most beautiful bride on the planet. Are you both models? I'm not sure I've ever seen happier people in my life.
ok i've just spent a large portion of my life looking through this site trying to find her wedding photos.
does anyone have an idea where that thread might be?.
i'll owe ya
OK I've just spent a large portion of my life looking through this site trying to find her wedding photos. Does anyone have an idea where that thread might be?
I'll owe ya
i already know how some of you will answer.
i realize that some dear friends here have lost their spouse due to their jw "awakening", but for those of you where both of you are now out, do you feel you are a better husband or wife because of the experience?
even if your spouse is still in, do you feel you are a better husband/wife?
Well Andi as you know I'm about to be married so no changes there. Michael has been very curious as to how witness things work but it's something I dont' really discuss much with him.
I don't think my parents changed much mostly because my dad wasn't anal about headship stuff. He tried to make a go of it with family studies but again, he wasn't anal. Once I became a teen I sort of became a pain in their sides with my slanted answers and questions.
My parents recently hooked up with a dub couple who recently DAed themselves. I was over the house a couple of weeks ago while they were visiting. She claimed that the damage to their relationship was the main reason they left. She felt that outside influences caused a lot of damage. . Others always telling her husband that he needed to "get control of his wife".
They joked with my boyfriend about how it would be better if he got baptised and drug me back in there with him so he could demand I render him his due whenever he wanted.
As if I've ever said no